theverge: These specially designed plates serve up picture-perfect foodporn every time.Bonus: they helpfully indicate restaurants that should be avoided at all costs.

8bitfuture: Video: The Fujitsu lettuce factory. After several years of shutting down production lines in chip fabrication facilities, the Japanese electronics giant is turning its sterile, dust free factory into a hydroponic lettuce farm. edit: Have updated the video...

futuristech-info: Futuristic ‘Edible Mist Machine’ uses ultrasonic vaporization to create over 200 flavors Mmm… Hungry for mist. That’s a first.

Soylent Raises $1M, Reminds Us What’s Wrong With Silicon Valley “Soylent just locked down more than $1 million in funding for its geeky-nutrient-goop crusade, and when announced on Monday, the news stirred the kind of passion usually reserved for iOS versus...