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thetechgets: Google Project Shield to protect websites from DDoS attacks Own a Website? Here’s a new service from Google to protect you from DDoS attacks! Wan...
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Over the last two years, the shift has been drastic. Among children under 2, the survey found, 38 percent had used mobile devices like iPhones, tablets, or Kind...

parislemon: chztn: seersuckermag: Computers Are Going To Disappear by Brennen Byrne Computer’s are becoming so smart they are going to disappear, a trend we...
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nicolaberniniblog: Vislab Proud 2013 Demo  “For the first time in history, during the PROUD-Car Test 2013 event (happened on July 12, 2013 in Parma) a vehicle...

futurescope: IBM unveils new concept for a future brain-like computer fed by electronic blood KurzweilAI reports: IBM has unveiled a prototype of a new brain...
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thescifiwarderobe: Meet Adafruit industries, a New York city based company which is making “do it yourself” technologies for you to create your own wearable t...